HDR Development Bulletin (June 2024 Summary)


Have you been keeping up with the HDR development bulletin? Each week a different aspect of the Research and Employability Skills Training (REST) Program is spotlighted to help HDR students’ identify opportunities to progress with their skill development. The skills covered so far include Career planning, Thesis writing and Research practice.

See below for what was covered and full details further on. For personalised advice, email HDR.Development@flinders.edu.au and we can help 😊

New REST Module available – Argument Construction  (Mon 3 June)

New REST Module available – Personal Awareness & Growth (Mon 17 June)

New REST Module available – Entrepreneurship (Mon 24 June)

REST Module – Argument Construction

Monday 3 June

We are happy to share that the next module in the new REST FLO (Canvas) site is now available.

In research, constructing a well-founded argument is crucial. It allows you to present your ideas in a logical manner, support your claims with evidence, and persuade your audience effectively. The Argument Construction module breaks down the argument construction process, helping you identify your viewpoints and create your arguments. The module discusses the three parts of the research paradigm – ontology, epistemology and methodology – helping you situate your research in what is already known, and identify the gaps in knowledge you need to address. The module also covers how to choose a theoretical framework, as well as presenting you with some useful videos and online courses.

To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST FLO (Canvas site), you will first need to register via https://canvas.flinders.edu.au/enroll/FM8AWN.

We would love to hear your feedback on this module, as well as the other modules and content we are creating through the new REST site. So please reach out anytime at hdr.development@flinders.edu.au.

REST Module – Personal Awareness & Growth

Monday 17 June

The Personal Awareness & Growth module helps you develop your self-awareness and self-reflection, where you delve into your personal values, beliefs, communication styles and actions. It includes links and information on how to stay well in research, providing some useful readings and resources that you can review when needed. The module also links to a number relevant workshops and videos available to help you develop strategies to stay well, develop your personal awareness skills and succeed in your studies. These include several ThinkWell workshops, some of which are scheduled for later in the year, and included for you below.

To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST FLO (Canvas site), you will first need to register via https://canvas.flinders.edu.au/enroll/FM8AWN.

Staying well during your PhD
Tuesday 23 July, 1:30-3:30pm

Undertaking a PhD is both an exciting and challenging experience. It can be an emotional roller-coaster. The excitement of working on something you care about, exploring new ideas and making a contribution to knowledge. The challenges of feeling isolated and overwhelmed, dealing with setbacks, uncertainty, conflict and loss of motivation. Inevitably over the course of your PhD you will experience times when things aren’t going so well. This workshop draws on evidence-based strategies to help YOU stay well during your PhD.

Good feedback: Asking for it, getting it and responding to it
Tuesday 3 September, 1:30-3:30pm

Many graduate students cite getting and dealing with feedback from their supervisors as one of the most frustrating areas of candidature. You can wait for ages and when it comes it’s not what you wanted. Feedback is essential to help you make progress and improve the quality of you outputs. But if you just say “give me feedback” you are leaving it completely up to chance. So what can you do to ensure you get the feedback you need? This workshop will look at asking more specific questions and being clear about the type of feedback you want.

Imposter Syndrome: Why successful people often feel like frauds
Thursday 17 October, 1:30-3:30pm

How can it be that so many clever, competent and capable people can feel that they are just one step away from being exposed as a complete fraud? Despite evidence that they are performing well they can still have that lurking fear that at any moment someone is going to tap them on the shoulder and say “We need to have a chat”. This session will explain why high performing people often doubt their abilities and find it hard to enjoy their successes. It will also show the links to perfectionism and self-handicapping strategies such as procrastination, avoidance and overcommitment.

REST Module – Entrepreneurship

Monday 24 June

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating a new business based on an original idea, often involving taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. The Entrepreneurship module introduces you to this process, and outlines the typical characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. The module takes you through some online activities to help you identify how research experience might be translated into innovation and societal impact, and how you can identify potential collaborative and entrepreneurial opportunities. The module also highlights a number of useful online courses and resources that you can access to help you be more innovate and enterprising.

To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST FLO (Canvas site), you will first need to register via https://canvas.flinders.edu.au/enroll/FM8AWN.


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HDR Information

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