‘Disneyland Customer Care’ – Journey to excellent customer experience

We have an amazing opportunity to hear from Bhasker Nair, Senior Consultant, Business Development Manager at Kepner-Tregoe who will be visiting Flinders University on Wednesday, 2 October 2019 to present ‘Disneyland Customer Care.’ His presentation is all about Disney and their journey to get to the current state of excellent customer experience and will be held in South Lecture Theatre 2, off Anchor Court commencing at 2.00pm for 1 hour.

This is a great opportunity to get a view of how an organization like Disney is approaching customer care. I urge all of you to attend this is truly amazing story.

Where: South Lecture Theatre 2, off Anchor Court

When: 2.00 PM – 3:00 PM

Please RSVP to paula.lynch@flinders.edu.au should you wish to attend.

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