“Flinders University made me feel I can become the best version of me – they provided me with the necessary tools and knowledge to become successful both academically and professionally,” says Master of Education graduate, Earvin Alinsug.
Exciting research expertise
Earvin was immediately attracted to the Master of Education because it allowed him to fulfil his dream of becoming a researcher, and to take his expertise home to the Philippines. “One thing that excites me is the notion of how students learn – and why there are differences in a student’s engagement and academic results,” he says. “I always have a curious mind, and the very first question for me was – how can I contribute to this knowledge?”

Why choose to study at Flinders?
Flinders gave Earvin the tools to direct his learning. “The lecturers at Flinders are amazing. They provided me with the strategies to become a self-regulated learner.” This allowed Earvin to reach his full potential as a researcher, with support and independence. “I love statistics and research; with the opportunity that was given to me, I was able to exhibit my skills and expertise.”
Professional opportunities and research initiatives
Throughout his studies, Earvin took advantage of the many professional opportunities Flinders students are offered.
“I participated in various research initiatives and was able to be part of a published journal by contributing to a book chapter,” says the Pilipino student. “Upon completion of my degree, I was invited to participate in a highly active study. We have been publishing papers in line with student wellbeing and peer-aggression and bullying.”
Those opportunities have given Earvin the confidence to undertake further study.
Learn more about how you can study a PhD at Flinders University.
“I see myself completing my PhD in 5 years. Due to the inspiration, opportunities, and expertise I gained in completing my Master’s degree, I was inspired and equipped to proceed to a PhD.”
Beautiful campus and easy access to nature
“The Flinders University Bedford Park campus leaves me feeling relaxed and connected to nature,” says Earvin. “The look and feel of the campus provided me a great peace-of-mind – and a stress-free approach to my studies.”
When he’s not enjoying the beautiful outdoors, Earvin’s favourite spot is in the peace of the library. “I am the type of person who loves the smell of book pages, so studying in the library was very fulfilling. It made me think better and I was able to compose myself well in dealing with the demands with all the courses I was completing.”
Adelaide – a family-friendly city
For Earvin, living in a city where his family could be happy and comfortable was essential. “I have a son who has a growing curiosity of the world,” says Earvin of his young family. “Significant factors I consider are for him to see a beautiful world, to experience an environment of peace and inclusivity, and a city where he is appreciated and given an opportunity to excel.”
Discover ways to keep cool in an Adelaide summer.
Earvin was able to achieve ‘…all these factors in the last five years of living in Adelaide.” Not needing a car to enjoy living in South Australia allowed Earvin and his family to maintain a good balance in their lives.
“Balance in the sense of being able to study and access the campus with convenience utilising public transport, as well as going around and exploring the city or even the outer suburbs.” Earvin and his family have also been enjoying the culturally diverse food, music, and entertainment Adelaide offers year-round.
Learn more about the Adelaide student living experience.
“We live in Adelaide, but it seems we have toured the world through the food we enjoyed around the city. Not to mention the performances of big names in the music industry or the amazing Adelaide Oval experience.” This enviable lifestyle “…took out the pressure and demands in studying.”

Advice for prospective students
“The support, facilities, and beautiful campus help new students to feel at home,” says Earvin. “If a future student has anxieties about studying abroad due to homesickness and lack of support – Flinders University has taken care of all these factors.”
For Earvin, studying a Master of Education (Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice) at Flinders was a transforming experience.
“I feel proud to be a graduate of Flinders. I am looking forward to completing my PhD here. I cannot recommend any other university but Flinders University.”