My name is Kyle Whenan and I am one of the five Flinders students currently in Washington DC undertaking the Washington Internship Programme.
We have just finished our first week and I can honestly say that we already know this will be a life changing experience.
I am interning in the office of Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR). So far due to COVID I haven’t received the full experience but have been listening and responding to voicemails from constituents which I have found interesting, hearing such a wide range of views from the people of Oregon.
In our spare time so far, we have gone and visited all of the major touristy sites in Washington: the Washington monument, Lincoln memorial, Supreme Court and the Capitol building among others. It is very surreal seeing all of these sites up close after reading about them and seeing them on TV for so many years, and everyday really is a pinch myself moment.
I’m very much looking forward to the next 5 weeks and what they will bring.