The Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) is pleased to announce a new collaboration with Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys at Flinders University at Tonsley.
Madderns Patent Attorney Chris Wilkinson will be based at Tonsley (Level 5 MDPP area) on a fortnightly basis starting 31st March 2015 to provide free intellectual property educational seminars and general intellectual property drop-in and initial consultation services to MDRI members, MDPP clients and the wider Tonsley precinct community. From time to time other attorneys from the Madderns Team will swap with Chris or be called into to provide specific assistance as required.
This collaboration will allow the MDPP to further enhance its services to clients by providing specific IP resources to its clients and promote IP more broadly to the University and businesses located at Tonsley, to foster more interaction and collaboration between these groups.
Free services available to MDRI members include:
– Drop in service – up to 30 mins (General or Specific IP Protection Queries)
– 1 hour initial consultation to discuss new projects – scope of project, background, stage of development, IP protection strategy (by appointment).
Additionally Chris will be delivering a series of educational IP seminars (mostly in Conference Room 5.29, Level 5) between 12-1pm as follows:
Madderns Tonsley IP Seminar Series
1. IP & Patents – Tue 28/04/2015
2. Novelty, Inventive Step – Tue 26/05/2015
3. Inventorship v/s Ownership & Working with Your Patent Attorney – Tue 23/06/2015
4. Patent Searching, Infringement, Enforcement & Freedom To Operate – Tue 21/07/2015
5. Patent Examination Process & Patenting Overseas Room – Tue 18/08/2015
6. Standard, Innovation & Design Patents – Tue 15/09/2015
7. Trademarks & Trade Secrets – Tue 13/10/2015
Please email Chris at to lock in time for consultations and register for specific IP seminars.