Flinders Medical Device Research Institute (MDRI) Director, Professor Karen Reynolds has been named alongside seven high profile experts to form the newly announced Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB).
Approved by Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull, the advisory board comprises leading experts in medical research and innovation, health policy and commercialisation.
The AMRAB will guide priorities for the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), one of the most important initiatives in Australia’s history to ensure Australia stays at the leading edge of medical science and contributes to transform the health of our nation.
Minister for Health, Sussan Ley, said the eight-member board will advise the Government on how funds held in the MRFF should be allocated.
“Through their expert and independent advice to the Government, the Advisory Board will play a key role in delivering on the MRFF’s agenda to support our world-class researchers and reinforce our nation’s great research reputation,” Minister Ley said.
“The MRFF is the single largest investment in medical research ever made in this country and a core part of the Australian Government’s health reform and innovation agenda.
It is expected the MRFF will eventually provide around $1 billion a year in additional funding for health and medical research.
MDRI Director, Professor Karen Reynolds said it is an honour to be named amongst such a high calibre group.
“The Board brings a breadth of skills, experience and leadership of relevance to medical research. I look forward to contributing towards developing Australia’s strategic research and innovation priorities in this area”, said Professor Reynolds.
The Advisory Board will develop the Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy every five years, and associated Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities every two years. It will also provide advice to the Health Minister on other matters that relate to use of funding from the MRFF.
This appointment follows a number of other notable positions for Professor Reynolds, Director Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering Board; Member, South Australian Science Council; Chair, National Panel for Biomedical Engineering Education and Research, Engineers Australia and Member, Advisory Committee on Medical Devices, Therapeutic Goods Administration.
Other members of the advisory board include;
Chairman and noted scientist Professor Ian Frazer is also president of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science and member of the Commonwealth Science Council. He is also Chairman of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation’s Medical Research Advisory Committee.
Professor Peter Høj, the Vice-Chancellor and President of The University of Queensland and previously Vice-Chancellor of the University of South Australia and CEO of the Australian Research Council.
Professor Doug Hilton, president of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institute, Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, and Head of the Department of Medical Biology at The University of Melbourne.
Dr Deborah Rathjen – Managing Director of Adelaide-based Bionomics Corporation, a notable biotechnology/biomedical firm with a $200 million market capitalisation.
Mr Yasser El-Ansary – Chief Executive of the Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association where he is responsible for leading the strategic direction of the organisation’s work in representing the private equity and venture capital industry in Australia.
Ms Jennifer Williams the previous Chief Executive of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service and held a range of senior management positions in the public and private sectors.
Professor Anne Kelso the CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council.