Jodie Martin – Master of Clinical Education 2019
Current position: Clinical Nurse Consultant (Education) at CareFlight integrated aeromedical emergency service.
What led you to study Clinical Education at Flinders University? When I was looking for postgraduate courses in clinical education, I was interested in learning more about interdisciplinary and interprofessional education as well as learning from other postgrad students who worked in a clinical discipline other than my own (nursing/midwifery). The Clinical Education course at Flinders met my learning interests while at the same time had students in the same course from different clinical health disciplines.
I was also attracted to the elective units. I was originally planning on doing a graduate certificate however, I was interested in a lot of the elective units on offer. I kept enrolling in some of those and before I knew it, I was looking at undertaking the Masters by coursework to complete all the elective units that interested me.
Have you maintained connections with fellow students or academics since graduating? I kept in contact with one of my academic supervisors for around 12 months after graduating as we co-authored a paper together from a research project I undertook as part of the course. (Education Needs of Australian Flight Nurses: A Qualitative Study)
What are the three most important professional attributes that your Flinders degree equipped you with?
- Learning to critically appraise education academic literature
- Writing succinctly
- Learning is life long
How does your current career compare to the career/job aspirations you had as a child? I can’t recall having any particular career or job aspirations as a child. I was always interested in health and human physiology but don’t recall having any particular aspirations, so I guess the fact I now work as a nurse/midwife in clinical education is a little bit expected given those interests.
How did your time at Flinders University change you both professionally and personally? I gained more of a professional interest in education academia and the scholarship of learning in clinical practice. I learnt that your own achievements and accomplishments should be shared with others.
What has been the greatest accomplishment of your career to date? Having a research paper published – it’s a lot of work! It does feel like a great sense of accomplishment when you have your work peer reviewed by academics and experts who recommend it for publication and that is achieved.
Who has inspired you the most in life – personally or professionally? Ash Barty inspires me – she always keeps her cool, doesn’t show emotion when faced with challenges and celebrates her achievements humbly.
Read more about Jodie’s work with CareFlight: CareFlight welcomes all-female doctor team
Find out more about studying postgraduate Clinical Education at Flinders