Get to know your College: Radhika Athalye

What is your role and what does your work focus on? 

As College Support Officer, I am part of the College of Medicine and Public Health Operations team and support Professor Alison Jones. Everyone in CMPH has been very welcoming.

Where did you work before joining CMPH? 

Prior to joining CMPH, I was working as an Academic Services Officer in Clinical and Health Sciences Division in the University of South Australia. I supported the postgraduate students and academic staff in nursing, midwifery, and pharmacy. I was also an Academic Services Officer to undergraduate nursing degree supporting students and staff, in addition to timetabling the nursing program every year. In total I have been in this role for a bit over 6 years.

What journey brought you to this point in your career? 

We moved to the suburb Panorama 2 years ago while I was on maternity leave. Travelling into city to work every day after returning to work was taking me a good hour each way in heavy traffic. I had started looking for job opportunities to be closer to my kids in preschool and childcare in Belair. When I met other parents or people in my gym, many of them were working in Flinders University. It felt like a community I wanted to be a part of. Therefore, as soon as a job opportunity came up in Flinders, I applied. So here I am.

What is something you love most about your work? 

This is just week 1 for me but I feel so supported and welcomed. My handover documents should win a prize, they have helped me understand my role well. I’m enjoying my work in this positive workspace.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? 

Be kinder to yourself and know your worth.

What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

I have had two pregnancies since 2018 that have involved a lot of giving and not much care for myself, this is the first year to be able to focus on myself, my career, my hobbies. I am enjoying finding time for myself.

If you had a superpower what would it be?

To slow down time because there is just too much I want to try and fit in a day.

How do you like to relax or spend your spare time?    

There is barely any downtime as my kids are 4 ½ and 2 years old but I want to get back to fitness so I have been squeezing in some jogging and gym in the mornings every day.

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CMPH Staff Get to know CMPH

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