Tina’s mission to empower communities through Public Health


Meet Tina Hart, a passionate second-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Public Health degree at Flinders University. Tina’s studies focus on identifying health disparities and promoting healthier lifestyles. She recognises the immense potential for creating positive change and improving people’s wellbeing, which fuels her interest for the field. 

“What really excites me is knowing that we can create changes and improve a person’s happiness and fulfillment in life.” 

As a mother of young children, Tina sought a university that provided a conducive learning environment while being close to home. Flinders stood out to Tina as the perfect choice due to its serene and picturesque campuses surrounded by nature.  

“On a beautiful sunny day, I’m able to sit on the embankment by the lake or in the Alere café overlooking the spectacular views whilst having a coffee and doing some study!” 

Tina considered different courses of study after initially having concerns about her ability to tackle certain aspects of her Public Health course, particularly areas involving mathematics and science. However, the dedicated lecturers at Flinders helped her overcome her fears by providing real-life context and practical applications of the subjects.  

“During my high school years, maths and science were never my forte and I always found them difficult to understand. I expected it to be the same for Epidemiology and Biostatistics – and whilst they have been challenging, putting them into real life context and use had made me less scared and understand them much better.” 


Volunteering and advocacy work have been instrumental in shaping her approach to public health. Tina’s previous work experiences in teaching and volunteering have equipped her with transferable skills in communication and active listening. She actively engages with community organizations like the Public Health Association Australia (PHAA) and the Australian Health Promotion Agency (AHPA) to gain a deeper understanding of vulnerable perspectives. 

Tina highly recommends studying at Flinders University to her friends, praising the exceptional learning environment, and dedicated teaching staff. 

“I cannot commend the teaching staff’s commitment to their students enough, going out of their way both with time and patience to help me understand sometimes complex information and for never letting me feel like I am ‘just another student’.  

Flinders’ courses are run by experts in their fields who have a genuine love for what they teach. It makes the whole experience enjoyable, interesting, and rewarding. Studying here has helped me feel like I have finally found the right career direction.” 

With her passion for improving health outcomes and advocating for health equity, Tina is ready to make a difference in creating a healthier future for all. 

Explore Public Health at Flinders University. 

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CMPH Student Get to know CMPH Public Health

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