Rural first responders inspire Storm to pursue Paramedicine


Storm Young is a third and final-year Paramedicine student completing her studies close to home in the Northern Territory. She began her academic journey without prior university experience, making it a significant and rewarding learning process. Encouraged by the collaborative and supportive environment at Flinders, her goal is to evolve and excel in a field that demands compassion, empathy, and strong collaboration.

Storm finds Paramedicine exciting because it’s a dynamic and ever-evolving profession vital for community health. She’s passionate about providing out-of-hospital care, and her inspiration for this path stems back to her childhood.

“Growing up in a small rural town where volunteers, including my mum, played a vital role in community well-being instilled a deep respect and love for first responders.”

Storm chose Flinders University because of its exceptional quality of education. She has benefited from the dedicated and supportive lecturers and tutors who are deeply engaged in enhancing the student experience.

The lecturers’ interactive nature and enthusiasm have made the learning process engaging and enjoyable.

Throughout her studies at Flinders, Storm has had the opportunity to gain practical experience through placements with St John Ambulance Northern Territory.

“The hands-on, practical components of my studies have been particularly exciting. [Clinical placements] have been invaluable in bridging the gap between theory and real-world application. These experiences have allowed me to put into practice what I’ve learned in the classroom, further enhancing my skills and confidence.”

Storm’s immediate goal is to complete her graduate year and work as a paramedic in the Northern Territory. In the long term, she aspires to become a paramedic researcher by completing an honours project, contributing to the advancement of pre-hospital care, and making a meaningful impact on the field.

Storm acknowledges the sense of community and support from fellow students as one of the most valuable aspects of her university journey. The warm and collegiate environment at Flinders has enriched her learning experience, fostering strong friendships and camaraderie among her peers.

“One of the most valuable aspects of my university journey has been the sense of community and support from fellow students. The collaborative and supportive environment at Flinders has enriched my learning experience.”

Be the first on the scene at the frontline of healthcare. Explore Paramedicine at Flinders University

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CMPH Student Flinders NT Paramedicine

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