On 10th and 11th July researchers from the Centre for NanoScale Science and Technology (CNST) attended the Australian Nanotechnology Network (ANN) Early Career Workshop, hosted by University of Technology, Sydney. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for early career researchers (ECRs) and postgraduate students working on nanotechnology research to present their work, meet other researchers and students, and interact with other research groups in Australia.
The Workshop attracted researchers from all over Australia working in the field of Nanotechnology, session themes included materials and devices, nanobiotechnology, optics and photonics and a panel session to discuss industry and careers outside of academia. The presentations were given by Australian ECRs and postgraduate students, along with keynote addresses given by more senior speakers, namely Professor Francois Ladouceur (UNSW), Associate Professor Fu Lan (ANU), Associate Professor Heike Ebendorff-Heiderpriem (University of Adelaide) and Dr Danielle Kennedy (CSIRO). The workshop was concluded with a prize giving presentation for the best talks and posters and the opportunity for researchers to attend a scientific writing workshop. Overall the symposium was a great success and an ideal opportunity for ECRs to collaborate with external researchers and inspire collaboration.
The ANN Early Career workshop is an annual event, more information can be found at the ANN website: www.ausnano.net