Chemical Reviews Front Cover


Congratulations to Research Leader Professor Gunther Andersson and PhD candidate Chris Ridings on the image from their article making the front cover of the journal Chemical Reviews. The journal is one of the most highly regarded and highest-ranked journals covering the general topic of chemistry. The mission of Chemical Reviews is to provide comprehensive, authoritative, critical, and readable reviews of important recent research in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, theoretical, and biological chemistry. Chemical Reviews has the highest Impact Factor in Chemistry at 45.661 and is also a highly cited journal in the category of Multidisciplinary Chemistry with 124,463 total citations, as reported by the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2014).

The article entitled “Ion Scattering Studies of Molecular Structure at Liquid Surfaces with Applications in Industrial and Biological Systems” explores the outer most layer of liquid surfaces using various ion scattering methods and describes the advantages of employing such methods and equipment.

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