Travelling Chaplain
Geoff, our co-ordinating chaplain writes about some of his personal Oasis highlights over the last two months, go to Travelling Chaplain to read about it.
Geoff, our co-ordinating chaplain writes about some of his personal Oasis highlights over the last two months, go to Travelling Chaplain to read about it.
Harmony Day Café was a great success in Oasis. Students and staff cooked local foods from their countries to share with friends, while other students sang […]
English Conversation class for spouses of International students, is held each Friday morning 10am-12 noon and includes a morning tea. For further details please go to […]
Our Bangladeshi ladies gave a cooking demonstration in our new kitchen, showing students and staff how to make local dishes. They made a dish called Khichuri, […]
Cultural Connections is a volunteer program that helps International students at Flinders University improve their English skills and gain a better understanding of local South Australian […]
This semester five Masters of Social Work students are on placement in Oasis under the supervision of the School of Social Work. They are undertaking various […]
An opening of the ‘new Oasis’ is being planned for one evening in the first week of June. More details to follow!
Come and join us for Meditation for Relaxation and Stress Management with Lyn, each Wednesday in the Quiet space at 12.30pm. Starts Wednesday 16 March, all […]