New REST module – Research Practice


We are happy to share that the next module in the new REST FLO (Canvas) site is available. The Research Practice module includes topics on the responsible conduct of research, research ethics and integrity, intellectual property, attribution and co-authorship that you need to be aware of in research.

The module is the biggest one so far, as it covers a wide range of practices that all researchers need to have knowledge of. The module goes through research integrity and ethics at Flinders, introducing the Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and integrity and ethics processes and policies. It also includes a number of online Epigeum activities on the responsible and ethical conduct of research. The module further covers authorship and data management practices at Flinders, outlining your rights and responsibilities when sharing and storing data. Finally, the module covers Intellectual Property from a graduate researcher perspective, with several online activities on IP, copyright and design rights. As always, the module ends with a list workshops, online courses and recordings on the topics covered in research practice. We recommend that all HDR students look through this module, and complete the parts relevant to their research.

To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST FLO (Canvas site), you will first need to register via If you have any questions or feedback on the module, please reach out via return email.

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