The inaugural meeting of a new Digital Heritage research group will be held next Monday. Several staff across different Faculties are already researching digital history, heritage software, and preservation of the born digital, and we envisage this will be a way of sharing our research in this area with others doing related work. We would like to invite interested researchers and postgrads to join us for a lunchtime session.
The group is being convened jointly by Melanie Swalwell (Screen & Media) and Denise de Vries (Computer Science). The first meeting will take place on Monday 25th March, in Sir Eric Neale Engineering Bldg room 308, from 12-1pm.
There will be a brief presentation by Craig Harrington, on the approaches he is investigating to translate source code as part of the Play It Again project, the chance to introduce oneself and projects, to make suggestions about what the group will do, and volunteer future presentations.
Immediately prior (from 11am), Humanities PhD student, Helen Stuckey, will present her research proposal on “The Beginnings of the Australian Games Industry”. This project is affiliated with the multi-disciplinary, cross-faculty “Play It Again: Creating A Playable History of Australasian Digital Games, for Industry, Community and Research Purposes” Project, which is a Linkage involving the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, the NZ Film Archive, Victoria University of Wellington, and the Berlin Computerspiele Museum.
Please RSVP to for numbers. If you can’t make it but wish to be informed of future events, please also be in touch.