Looking forward >
For the remainder of the year, some of the HDCT staff are training to become accredited and certified Clinical Research Associates (CRA’s) via the GROW program at ARCS Australia.
We are also excited to share that HDCT is involved in multiple sponsored clinical trials within the Autism space, with recruitment commencing in the first week of May. HDCT is looking forward to sharing the results and findings for first-ever treatment opportunities for South Australian families. These studies are being managed by project Manager – Rupali Saikia. We’d also like to congratulate Rupali whose expert knowledge and understanding have recently been recognised by an external collaborator due to her deft handling of upcoming research projects.
Good stuff
One of our casual trial assistants – Amanda Weragoda has accepted a full-time position with HDCT as a Project Coordinator.
Now that the cold weather in Adelaide is coming in, HDCT is heavily recruiting study participants for PartB of the RECONNOITER study. RECONNOITER is a sponsored clinical trial, focused on people suffering from Raynaud’s. If you would like to find out more, please contact either Zoey or Amanda at hdct@flinders.edu.au.
Contact HDCT at hdct@flinders.edu.au or zoey.reed@flinders.edu.au for more information.