On Friday 20th September, the Southgate Institute organised a meeting of the Australian People’s Health Movement – PHMOz. The People’s Health Movement is a progress civil society organisation that fights for health equity.
The event included a tribute to Prof. David Sanders, a founding member, key driver, and global steering group co-chair of the People’s Health Movement, and long time collaborator with the Southgate Institute. Prof Sanders was intended to present at the event, but sadly died suddenly on 30 August.
The debates covered ecological sustainability, the trade system, civil society, cashless welfare cards, the punitive job network and welfare system as vital public health and health equity issues. The attendees also broke for an extended lunch to allow joining the Adelaide Climate Action rally.
The event was livestreamed, and three of the sessions can be viewed at: https://video.flinders.edu.au/events/Peoples_Health_Movement_2019.cfm?id=1
Twitter coverage for the event can be seen by searching for the #PHMOz hashtag.