The Southgate Institute would like to congratulate Dr. Fisaha Tesfay and Dr. Hailay Gesesew on their recent PhD graduation. Dr. Tesfay was supervised by Dr. Sara Javanparast, and Associate Professors Anna Ziersch, Lillian Mwanri, and Afework Mulugeta Bezabih (Mekelle University). Dr. Gesesew was supervised by Associate Professor Lillian Mwanri, Prof. Paul Ward, and Prof. Kifle Woldemichael (Jimma University). Both conducted their PhD on different aspects of HIV care in Ethiopia, Dr. Tesfay focusing on nutritional programs, and Dr. Gesesew on the HIV care continuum.
In addition, Dr. Gesesew was successful in winning a five year NHMRC Investigator grant (Emerging Leader 1 category), worth $639,750, in the first ever round of this scheme. His Investigator grant builds on his PhD, developing and evaluation interventions to prevent, detect, and treat HIV in Ethiopia. Further information on his Investigator grant is available here. Dr. Gesesew is also a member of the Southgate’s Punching Above Weight Research Network, and has been contributing to this program of work at the Southgate.