The Southgate gang are delighted that the new Investigator grant provides job security for five years for some staff. Prof Fran Baum said “While the grant was awarded to me the program of work it entails is only possible because we will be building on the efforts of the whole team through all our work on health equity. We have all been committed to researching aspects of health equity which hasn’t always been the most popular topic. The pandemic, however, brought the issues of equity in to sharp relief and has made many people more aware of the impact social determinants of health can have on people’s health”.
The NHMRC Investigator grant brings $2.25m to the Southgate to fund a program of research called “Restoring the Fair Go: which policies and practices are likely to reverse growing health inequities in Australia post-COVID-19”. The program will start early next year and has the intention to engage policy makers and citizens about how we can build back fairer from covid-19.
Here is a link to Fran Baum talking about the new grant.