Into the Woods


They made quite the sight as they gathered in their masses on the grass outside of the registry building at Tonsley before descending into the woodlands, but what was this band of BIOL1101 students all about?  

Hundreds of Evolution of Biological Diversity students took part in a field trip to the woodland between Flinders and Bedford Park. Their mission: explore the impact of human activity on biodiversity. 

Groups each designed their own research project to compare separate areas of the woodland, made their observations, then submitted results. Across the groups and their varying parameters and methodology, it was no surprise that the results aligned. Reduced human activity equals increased biodiversity. 

But this was more than about just getting results. For some students it was the first chance to take their learnings into the field and experience the tangible living, breathing world behind the science. It was the camaraderie of trekking en masse and engaging with nature and the environment in new and interesting ways. It was witnessing rosellas competing for a wood hollow and being so in the moment that it meant something on a level like never before. It was also the surprise that perhaps the desk and theory didn’t quite capture the essence of things as a field trip could. 

Whichever way you look at it, it was a win. 

Oh, and they managed to capture some pretty cool photos along the way. 



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