Mike organised a great many privileges for us on this trip, and the crescendo came on Wednesday when we visited the offices of Milkyway Image and One Cool. The financial success of these companies is reflected in the décor, while the motivation is reflected in the people. As film students we know that concerning ourselves with the production process is essential to knowing the final product. Particularly for me, as my degree is not in screen production, it was rewarding to see the real-life application of what I have studied: rooms filled with hard drives, small film theatres, a voice-over studio, and so on. These companies exist in Australia, of course, but this is the first I’ve seen of such scale. Perhaps I could have predicted this but, standing in Hong Kong, the size of all things can be overwhelming.
Susan Cilento, Bachelor of Arts (High Achievers) student participating in the “East Asian Film Industry Engagement Project” in April 2017