I can’t tell if it feels like I’ve been here forever, or if I only just got here! Either way, it’s definitely been an experience I’ll never forget.
When I arrived in the states, I spent 4 nights in LA, where a friend and I visited Universal Studios, and explored the rest of the place. We hired a car while we were there, and let me just say, driving on the other side of the road is hard – it’s even harder on 5-lane freeways where other drivers just don’t care about cutting in front of you! But we got the hang of it eventually.
Next I moved on to Bozeman, Montana, to attend Montana State University! I’m staying South Hedges Hall and don’t have a roommate at the moment (although I am in a double room so I’m bound to get someone soon). I organised to have my classes only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It does make for a pretty big day, but its definitely worth having 4 day weekends!
Classes aren’t particularly hard, there is a lot of discussion in them and plenty of group assignments (YAY). There is a lot of course work, like quizzes and online discussion boards, although they’re typically pretty easy. The classes I chose to take are: Consciousness, Contemporary Issues in Human Sexuality, Drugs and Behaviour, and Sociology of Law Enforcement. Of the four, the middle two are definitely my most favourite and most interesting. I love that the professors are so invested in what they’re teaching you as well.
Apart from classes, it’s pretty easy to get in to the social scene around here. With heaps of parties happening every weekend, and the incredible atmosphere of football games, you’re bound to find something to do. Bozeman itself is a little small however so its also fun to do some travelling around the country.
On my third weekend here, I headed off to Cancun, Mexico to meet my sister – very hot and humid, and kind of like Bali, with really great fish tacos. Last weekend myself, a girl from Adelaide that also goes to MSU, and the girl I was in LA with all met up in Seattle. This was probably one of my most favourite places in the world (not that I’ve seen THAT much). It was kind of like Melbourne, but with a population lower than that of Adelaide – so definitely more chilled out.
I also turn 21 in a week which should be quite a fun adventure! And in 2 weeks I’ll be heading to Las Vegas to meet my brother — its not going to be all partying however, we do have plans to watch Cirque du Soleil one night, and go kayaking in the Grand Canyon. Hopefully its going to be as fun as I’m anticipating!
Can’t wait to show you all pictures of more of my upcoming adventures 🙂
Rahnee Coombs, Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) student, Semester 2 2017 exchange at Montana State University, USA
- Read Rahnee’s 1st blog post here