Flinders University: PhD Scholarship at the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work.
Opening Date: 15.8.19 Closing Date: 15.12.19
Applicants encouraged to apply ASAP
A Ph.D. scholarship is available in the context of the ARC Discovery Project on ‘Teaching how to learn: Promoting self-regulated learning in STEM classes’. The project involves the design and implementation of interventions to increase teacher capacity to support active student learning in STEM. Principle investigators are Professor Stella Vosniadou and Emeritus Professor Michael J. Lawson. Prospective students should have an educational psychology or STEM education background, good communication skills and an interest in student-centred teacher practices. They will also be required to have or to acquire advanced statistical skills for the analysis of complex data using multilevel modeling techniques.
The following eligibility criteria apply to this scholarship:
- Australian citizenship or permanent residency;
- The Ph.D. must be undertaken on a full-time basis; and
- Applicants must already have been awarded or working towards a Masters degree, first-class Honours degree or hold equivalent qualifications or relevant and substantial research experience in an appropriate sector.
A living allowance scholarship will be maintained at the maximum stipend rate of $27, 082 p.a. for three years, pending suitability. Please contact Prof. Stella Vosniadou for more information: stella.vosniadou@flinders.edu.au
- A brief curriculum vitae (no more than 5 pages, size 12 times new roman, with 1.5-line spacing) which includes your qualifications, GPA, Honours class, academic achievements, publications, work history, and referee details;
- A separate cover letter detailing your research interests, suitability for the project, eligibility and career goals (no more than 1 page, size 12 times new roman, with 1.5-line spacing); and
- A PDF copy of your academic transcript.
Please submit all required documents to Stella.vosniadou@flinders.edu.au by December 15, 2019.