Lydia, Lauren and Voula are all academic staff here at Flinders who were once (or still are) Flinders’ students too, which means they know this place well – and they want to share their top tips with you.
Check out the videos below to hear from them about; the benefits of joining clubs at university, time management tips, and advice for commencing students on how to achieve success at University.
The benefits of joining clubs at university
Student Learning Advisor Dr Lauren Butterworth talks to Flinders’ student Nathaniel about when she joined a creative readings club at Flinders. Lauren says joining a club is a great way to do something you love and to meet likeminded people that may become lifelong friends.
She also talks about how joining a club led to opportunities outside University, such as running events, which helped her get valuable professional experience. She even credits this for helping get the role she has now at Flinders!
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If you’d like to learn more about the clubs and societies you can join at Flinders University, visit fusa.edu.au/clubs
Top time management tips for students
Working as a student learning advisor, Dr Lauren Butterworth knows the importance of careful time management.
Lauren shares with Nathaniel her top tips for time management, including getting a semester planner and using this to map out all key assignment and exam dates. In addition to mapping out the bigger picture, Lauren also suggests using a diary to plan the nitty gritty details of each week.
She also recommends visiting the time management resources on the Student Learning Support Service FLO site.
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Advice for commencing students
Voula Gaganis is a Teaching Specialist and Senior Lecturer in Physiology in the College of Medicine and Public Health (and a current student at Flinders). Voula talks with Flinders’ student Vanessa about her top tips for new students to settle in and achieve success.
- Access FLO to have a look at what all your topics require.
- Reach out to people for support. Flinders is a very supportive community and can help with anything you need to support your academic growth.
- Get to know your surroundings and find out where the food options are – you need sustenance, and the cafeteria is a great place to meet people!
- Connect with your peers and academic staff and give yourself time to settle in.
- Form a study group.
- Set your pace early – university is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on the big picture and lifelong learning.
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Associate Professor Lydia Woodyatt is a lecturer in Psychology at Flinders (and also a former student here at Flinders). She speaks with Vanessa about the importance of just showing up and being kind to yourself! There are so many people at Flinders who can help you build the skills you need to succeed.
Visit the support and services directory for a full list of the support available.
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