StudyAdelaide has information and support available for international students:
Student support
Please visit StudyAdelaide’s COVID-19 information page. StudyAdelaide are reviewing it regularly and at the same time keeping students informed via regular newsletters and social media posts. It is also recommended that students follow SA Health and South Australia Police on social media to stay up-to-date with the latest COVID developments.
Food Relief
Australian Red Cross has made food relief funding available to international students through Anglicare. Students can apply for a food voucher which will be provided directly to Foodbank for the student to redeem at their nearest Food Hub to receive free food. Hampers can be delivered to students who are isolating. For details on how to access Anglicare’s service click here.
Financial Relief
Students that have lost work due to the seven-day lockdown will be eligible on 28 July to apply for the COVID-19 Disaster Payment. More information can be found here.