Flinders is running a Student Wellbeing Survey and we strongly encourage you to participate! The Student Wellbeing Survey is just one part of the whole of University Wellbeing Strategic Plan.
Complete the survey now!
Why is Flinders doing the survey?
There is no doubt the last couple of years have taken a toll on people’s mental health and wellbeing, and many of these pressures still exist.
The better we understand the mental health and wellbeing of our community here at Flinders, the more targeted action we can take to improve it and provide the kind of support and resources that people need. This starts with understanding student wellbeing.
Who is behind the survey?
The survey is a collaboration between Flinders University and Be Well Co from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) – who are experts in measuring mental health and wellbeing. In fact, they’ve been doing it for over 7 years and have measured over 20 000 people in the community and students here at Flinders.
Why should I complete the survey?
The results of the survey will help determine where we need to focus our attention and allocate resources that will help best support your wellbeing. Your opinions and feedback can help shape the wellbeing support we offer, so please take the time to contribute. Survey results will be collated and presented to the University’s Wellbeing Working Group, a group of passionate staff and students who oversee mental health and wellbeing initiatives across the University. The results will inform their decision making, ensuring resources, services and information are targeting the things you, our students, want and need most.
When you complete the survey, you can choose to receive a personalised wellbeing report, based on the responses you provide in the survey. If you choose to view your report, you will get real-time confidential insight into how you are tracking with your mental health and wellbeing.
The information in that report is quite detailed and so we’ve organised free “Understand your survey results” sessions where you can learn how to interpret your results. These sessions are being run by Flinders staff and students, in conjunction with the experts at Be Well Co.
We’ll show you how to interpret your results and take action in relevant areas to improve your mental health and wellbeing. You’ll hear from students who have done this survey in previous years and how they used the information to make lifestyle changes, as well as members of the Flinders counselling team on what steps you can take next.
As an added bonus, by completing the survey, you have the chance to win some great prizes!
How long will it take to complete the survey?
The survey will take approximately 12 – 15 minutes to complete.
Are my responses anonymous?
All of your responses will be anonymous. Your name/ FAN will be removed from your responses and only used as part of the prize draw.
When can I complete the survey?
The survey will be open from Monday 5 September until Friday 23 September.
How can I find out more about the survey?
Dr Gareth Furber, from Health, Counselling and Disability Services, has written a more detailed overview of the survey, what it involves and the history behind it. Please visit the Student Health and Wellbeing Blog for more information.
I need support now
Flinders has a range of support and services available to students, including dedicated health, counselling and disability staff to support your mental health and wellbeing. We also have an afterhours crisis support line, which is available 5pm – 9am weekdays and 24 hours a day on weekends and public holidays:
- Call 1300 512 409
- Text 0488 884 103