BRAVE Lecture series – nowhere to call home

Watch Professor Sarah Wendt and Associate Professor Kristin Natalier discuss the social issues that lead women and children to experience homelessness and disadvantage.

Professor Sarah Wendt practised in the field of domestic violence. She has published on violence against women and social work practice. Her current research projects explore the impact of domestic violence on women’s citizenship, service provision for Aboriginal communities experiencing family violence, and engaging men to address domestic violence. In particular, Sarah has been researching rural women’s experiences of domestic violence for over a decade in Australia and more recently how domestic violence work shapes practitioners living and working in rural communities.

Associate Professor Kris Natalier’s work centres on the gendered nature of familial and intimate relationships as lived experiences and as sites of policy intervention. Using qualitative methods to analyse how people make sense of the joys and challenges of negotiating intimate relationships in the context of personal and social change.

You’ll hear more about their research conducted in partnership with Housing SA (Department of Human Services, South Australia), and their evidence-informed safety-first, housing-first approach for service system response.

Watch the lecture online

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