Clinical education has always fascinated Dr Tanaya Singh (MClinEd(Cwk) ‘20), prompting her to take the plunge into further study while balancing family and work commitments.
A Consultant Geriatrician at the Northern Local Health Network in South Australia since 2017, Dr Singh completed her undergrad and postgrad medical training in India before moving to SA to obtain her Fellowship of Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP) in Geriatric Medicine in 2016.
This led to Dr Singh opening her own geriatrics private practice with a colleague in November 2021, utilising the knowledge she had gained through completing Flinders’ Master of Clinical Education (Coursework) in the previous year.
“Studying again gave me a sense of achievement and helped me to understand and undertake research with an academic lens,” says Dr Singh.
“My colleague and I have a shared vision to provide a quality geriatrics service beyond our public service roles.
“The University had a comprehensive curriculum with modules that resonated with my role in the organisation. The Leadership and Change module was fascinating and inspired me to pursue further study in this area to develop my leadership skills.”
The 100% online program provided Dr Singh with the flexibility of learning at home while not foregoing the option to attend workshops locally if she chose, letting her balance clinical specialist training and family commitments.
“It has completely changed my outlook on how organisations function, I am a better writer and can articulate complex ideas through academic writing,” says Dr Singh.
“Personally, it has made me resilient, disciplined and helped me understand my own children’s education pathways, so hopefully I can be a positive role model to them, other than just being a mother.
“I also learnt how I needed to balance learning opportunities in the future, which will enhance my relationship with work and family, not disadvantage one over the other.”
By being one of the few clinicians with a master’s degree in her cohort, Dr Singh has found she is entrusted with more challenging projects and been able to develop professional relationships and networks with like-minded people beyond her own organisation.
“I aim to take up an academic position in future as I have the skills to contribute to a clinical teaching program,” says Dr Singh.
“My clinical education qualification has enabled me to make an impact by providing assessments and feedback which are relevant and valuable while being diligent in how education is provided to cohorts in different phases of their learning.”
Find out more about studying postgraduate Clinical Education at Flinders