Study explores use of virtual reality in brain injury recovery

A Caring Futures Institute study is recruiting participants to help researchers understand how virtual reality can be used to support recovery after brain injury.

Associate Professor Belinda Lange is leading the project that will collect data on how people complete simple tasks by using virtual reality compared to how they complete them in real life.

The researchers are looking for people who are aged over 18 to take part in the study, which takes about 60 minutes per participant. Ten people without brain injury and 10 people with brain injury are needed to participate.

During the data collection session, participants will be asked to perform a task (making a cup of tea and a sandwich) in a virtual reality headset and then in a real kitchen environment. Participants will then complete a questionnaire to outline their experiences and give feedback.

The project is a collaboration between the Caring Futures Institute and industry partner Katana Simulations. Funding is being provided by the Lifetime Support Authority.

Associate Professor Lange says the study’s findings will be used to make changes to the virtual reality tasks and make plans for more research to be undertaken using this tool.

“Eventually, this tool could be used in rehabilitation to assess and train people as part of their recovery,” she says.

“This technology is important because it gives people an opportunity to practice activities that might be unsafe or really challenging in a safe environment before they practice in the ‘real’ world.

“There are many clinics that have no access to a kitchen for people to practice activities so this would offer more opportunity to practice functional, meaningful tasks as part of a person’s recovery.”

Participants will receive a $25 gift-voucher for their time.

If you are interested in taking part, click here and enter your details. A researcher will then contact you.

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