Learning and Teaching Week 2018 was a tremendous week, showcasing excellence across all areas of the University. The theme was Engagement and Retention, with many of the sessions describing innovative teaching strategies to keep students on campus or engaged online with content, with staff, and with each other. Over 300 staff attended 22 sessions across the 5 days of the program, including talks from Professor Glen Bates, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Advancement) at Swinburne University, and Associate Professor Amani Bell, the IRU Vice-Chancellors’ Fellow. Common themes across all sessions included the need for cross-college pollination of ideas and styles, bringing arts into science and vice versa. The concept of belonging was also discussed at length, with it playing a large role in the retention of students. The presentations will shortly be available online, you can access these by visiting the Learning and Teaching Week 2018 website.
The Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching would like to thank all staff who attended across the week.