Careers & Employability: Initiatives for extending student career progression

A range of new initiatives have been launched in the past month that engage students in development opportunities. Read on for some examples of relevance across all Colleges.

College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Employability Hub
SSAF funding has seen the development of a great, interactive, online Employability Hub – specifically for Flinders students in the College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences – a collaboration between CHASS and Careers & Employability.

The Hub follows career development theory, with four modules looking at Self, Opportunities, Decisions, and Transition, with a particular focus on students starting out in their study program.  It uses interactive content, learning activities, and videos from CHASS students and graduates.

The Employability Hub is now live, and CHASS has embedded the Hub into each topic FLO site across the College.

Flinders Staff and Students can access the Hub here

If any other College would like to investigate undertaking a similar project, please contact us.  We are very happy to work with you to help this become a reality for all Colleges.

Leadership Development
Our Horizon Professional Development Award has expanded the Leadership Development opportunities for students to engage in leadership activities, including a new series of Lunch with Leaders as well as a new Horizon Leadership Masterclass. There are a range of highly practical and interactive workshops, forums and discussions to develop students’ understanding of their own leadership style and identify opportunities to develop and apply their leadership skills right now and in the future. The Leadership series complement the existing Horizon Award initiatives with practical and immersive learning experience.

Local Council Graduate Recruitment
Mitcham Council and the Careers team have developed a working relationship and are now piloting a graduate recruitment process on behalf of Council.  We currently have a call out to graduates and students in their final year of study to apply for the next Graduate intake. Please direct students to Flinders CareerHub to apply.

Student Engagement
A number of conversations are underway with organisations keen to test new methods of student engagement. These include on site tours, cross disciplinary projects and provision of industry input into courses. Please contact the team if you would like to talk about collaboration or testing some of these ideas.

Facilitator Training for PhD and Masters Students
We are inviting PhD students from all disciplines (plus Psychology and Education Maters students) to be trained as co-facilitators for workshop.  Training is aligned with Domains B & D of the RDF,  Students can register their interest to receive further information via the OGR Inspire website:

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