O’Week – Academic Preparation Program (APP)

The Academic Preparation Program will begin on Wednesday of O’Week (26 February), consisting of 5 seminars: “Assignments – How to …”; “Critical Thinking”; “Academic Writing and Referencing”; “Maths Refresher”; and “Reading Academic Texts”. This series will be repeated on Thursday (27 February) for those students unable to attend due to timing clashes.  All seminars will be held in Social Sciences North Lecture Theatre 3.

The seminars cover some of the basic generic skills required of all students at Flinders University and offer a head start on progress throughout their courses.

In the past, students have found these to be both well-presented and highly useful, answering many of the questions that they may have considered as well as posing a few they had not contemplated.  Students should be directed to the web-based Orientation Planner to find more information and put these sessions in their calendars.

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