We have collated a few short articles and provided a range or resources to support you in moving topics online.
Teaching on-line in the present crisis: what you need to know now
Online teaching is different to face-to face. Alternate teaching spaces, lectures to empty theatres or off-campus and changes to assessment all impact how we plan and facilitate teaching. Here are some clues to help you get started.
Teaching on-line isn’t rocket science but it is quite different to teaching face-to-face
You don’t need to embrace all the bells and whistles of technology or force them upon your students. Embody the KISS principle.
Good Practice in Online Teacher Education
Transitioning to teaching online can be challenging, especially in a profession based on relationships. The lack of face-to-face contact can be a real challenge as can the design and development of online learning. This resource was developed as part of a systematic literature review of research related to online teaching. It includes some principles to consider when teaching online as well as a checklist.
FOLD – Fostering Online Discussion in Higher Education
This site focuses on fostering asynchronous online discussion in higher education. It includes strategies for engaging students in online forums and is targeted at tertiary educators striving to promote the kinds of discussion that enhance student learning outcomes and experiences.
It is produced as a result of an Office for Learning and Teaching Seed Project.
Creating or sourcing digital content
Are you looking for ways to make digital topic content more interesting and engaging?
eLearning Equipment for Loan
Did you know that the University has a stash of eLearning equipment including video cameras, tripods, tablets and projectors that you can use?…
Using videos in teaching
There is a series of video resources now available to provide guidance around using videos in teaching.
Video chat kits
Video chat kits are now available for loan from your local eLearning support team.
What is the Multimedia Recording Studio?
The Multimedia Recording Studio (‘the Studio’) provides a professional look to video recordings by ‘immersing’ the presenter into the recording (like TV news weather presenters standing in front of the weather map), making it more visually appealing to the audience.