Using FLO reports

Have you ever wondered whether your students are engaging with your FLO topic, or if there are any problems they may be having when working in the online activities?

Your FLO topic captures important data which can be used to explore student progress, identify at-risk students, and improve curriculum design and student learning outcomes.

There are a variety of reports that can tell you different things for different purposes. Generally speaking, they fall into three categories:

  1. report based on a particular student
  2. report based on a particular item (activity or resource)
  3. report that can be customised to be based on either a particular student or item

A report based on a particular student is useful if you want to get a quick visual indication of how often a student is visiting the FLO site (all logs), what a student has ‘touched’ within the topic (outline report) or what contribution a student has made to all items (complete report).

A report based on a particular item displays information according to the selected activity or resource. For example, you may want to identify which student has accessed a particular resource or activity (topic participation), get statistics on the number of times each activity or resource has been viewed within a topic and the last accessed date (activity report) or show a summary of all activity dates (dates report).

The report in the third category is the most versatile type of all and with the right data manipulation, you can achieve most of the purposes mentioned above. The most common ones are logs and activity completion. Logs can provide information such as how often an item has been accessed, if an individual student has viewed an item and when a student has participated in an activity. Activity completion gives you an overview of all items in the site that have had completion applied and is useful for checking that students have completed conditional actions.

Your FLO topic has a treasure trove of data that can be used to check, monitor, and improve your topic for the benefit of your students.

For more information, visit the Reports – main entry in FLO Staff Support.

Written by Lowell Lin
eLearning and Media Support Officer – CILT

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