Students often report high levels of inconsistency across their FLO topic sites, meaning they must learn the navigation and structure of each FLO topic site uniquely. Unsurprisingly, the number one request from students when asked for feedback about FLO is to improve the consistency of FLO topic sites: not in the teaching approach or pedagogy, but rather consistency of layout and structure.
The new starter site available in FLO is designed to improve consistency of layout and structure of FLO topic sites. FLO starter sites are a semi-pre-configured ‘starting place’ for FLO topics sites that are designed to unify the layout and structure of topics across courses, disciplines and Colleges. The new starter site can be customised to work with the needs of a course or topic.
The starter site can be:
- Used for the development of new topic sites
- Used for existing topics undergoing refresh or change
- Applied to a suite of topics at a time that aligns with College/teaching program needs (as requested for Deans Education or Teaching Program Directors)
- Applied to topics on request of the topic coordinator
For more information please visit the starter site website. To request the starter site in your topic, or to have a conversation about the approach being taken in your College, please contact your College learning designer via Service One (Education>FLO – Course & Topic design support).