Development of Good Practice Guides and Tip sheets to support your teaching will continue throughout 2021 and Learning and Teaching @ Flinders will keep you updated on recently published and upcoming releases.
Recently published GPGs and Tip sheets include:
Good Practice Guide on Feedback
Marking in FLO using the assignment tool
Rubrics and Marking guides in FLO
In addition, we are updating resources to capture the (now endorsed) digital learning guidelines, new FLO starter site and changes to Assessment policy.
Upcoming GPGs and Tip sheets
The GPG on Moderation and two related tip sheets (Moderating grading and feedback and Moderating assessment design) are currently being reviewed by critical friends. A range of other assessment related tip sheets are under development. Please let us know if you have an idea for a resource or are willing to become a critical friend. Also be aware we may tap you on the shoulder! The process calls on your expertise in the area related to the resource and provides an excellent opportunity to have input into resources available to all Flinders staff.