Digital literacy is an essential skill for staff and students studying and working with digital technologies. A good practice guide on Digital Literacies has recently been published which explores the Digital Intelligence (DQ) framework.
The DQ framework provides a matrix of critical skills and understandings that may be developed explicitly when working with digital tools in learning, teaching, communication, research and use of information systems. The DQ framework provides a common platform to align thinking and working with digital literacies across the university. The guide provides some starting points for integrating the DQ competencies in topic design and teaching for/with students. The Library is undertaking a comprehensive mapping of existing services, topics, and tools at Flinders against the DQ framework. If you are using digital literacies explicitly and would like to share, please get in touch with the Library.
Engaging with digital literacies in a clear and applicable way is easy – and applies in a range of modes and contexts. From teaching to support, the use of digital literacies underpins our daily use of technologies and are an essential skill for the 21st century. To dive into the initial expression of digital literacies at Flinders: view the guide here.