Assessment Policy Implementation Roadshow

If you are still not sure about the changes related to the updated and refreshed Assessment policy, come to an Assessment Policy Implementation Roadshow happening near you on 9 – 10 August. These are taking place via Teams and/or as follows:

Monday 9 August
10am to 11am Moot Court
2pm to 3pm HSLTC lecture Theatre 101
Tuesday 10 August  
10am to 11am STN-N335
1pm to 2pm Tonsley Rooms 5.29 and 5.30
3pm to 4pm EDUC 2.09-2.10

The Assessment Policy, Grading Scheme, Assessment Variation Procedures (all implemented 1 January 2021) and Assessment Policy Practice Procedures (implemented 1 January 2022) will be discussed.

If you have specific questions you wish to have answered please forward them to Ann Luzeckyj, indicating the Day and Time you will be attending.

Please use I-enrol to ensure your place.

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