Improved academic integrity site (and quiz) for students

On July 9, a new version of the Student Academic Integrity FLO module will go live, replacing the current tutorial and quiz.

The new module combines the tutorial and quiz into a single lesson to ensure completion, including passing non-graded scenario questions, before students can progress to the quiz. In addition, it provides students with greater clarity about which content must be engaged with.

The key aims of the uplift have been to:

  • Better align terminology and content with the Academic Integrity Policy
  • Improve the structure and clarity of written content, e.g., use headings, dot points, and chunk information
  • Clearly outline the most common issues with academic integrity (plagiarism, collusion, misrepresentation, fabrication, exam cheating, and contract cheating)
  • Provide students with links to resources and tools to succeed with integrity
  • Use empowering rather than deficit-based and punitive language
  • Direct students to relevant support services

The Academic Integrity for Students FLO site which contains this module can be linked from your topic FLO site via a subtopic link. This provides a direct link for your students and synchronises student grades from the Academic Integrity site into your topic’s gradebook. Contact your eLearning team via Service One to have this setup.

Grading for the quiz remains a score out of 10 and therefore students’ previous attempts will not be affected. We are aware that there will be a period of time in which some students will have completed the old quiz, and some will have completed the new quiz. Both quizzes meet the same criteria and are valued equally. While staff will not be able to tell if a student has done the old or new quiz, the subtopic will take the student’s best result, so the transition should be seamless.

The module has been developed by the Student Learning Support Service in consultation with the Academic Integrity Officers and Student Policy and Integrity Advisors.

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