Each month we profile a member of CILT staff, giving a glimpse into what makes them tick. This month we profile Dr Ann Luzeckyj, Senior Academic Developer.
What do you like the most about working at Flinders?
The views, the trees, bird life (including the ducks) and seeing koalas when at work and of course the people I work with.
What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Seeing a koala!
What is something you are looking forward to in 2022?
I have a few holidays planned, but from my work perspective, the launching of the rubrics FLO site which will include a range of rubrics collected from staff across the university linked to assessment types, as I know people are asking about it. It should happen in the next few weeks (watch this space). I am also looking forward to launching the new Fundamentals of teaching at Flinders program which will be an online, choose your own adventure FFOUT type program. We aim to get that up and running at some point in the second semester.