With this latest release, we will be making available all ‘in-flight’ grants in ResearchNow, as well as providing the ability for researchers to promote their grant success on the public portal. Release activities are ongoing and on-track for completion by 14th December 2020.
The new award module will provide enhanced functionality, including detailed budgets which will enable better progress and expenditure reporting for Chief Investigators in future releases and milestones that will enable researchers to update the status of academic milestones to enable faster invoicing.
To promote grants on the public portal, researchers will be able to create a project which can link multiple awards and research outputs. These are approved by the College Dean of Research before being published to the portal.
Quick Reference guides, videos and FAQs will be available on the ResearchNow Applications and Awards webpage.
For support, please raise a ServiceOne request.
Thanks to RDS, Finance and the Flinders research community for supporting this release.