Flinders is currently piloting some improvements to the way grades are processed by our SAS College teams in College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) and Business, Government and Law (BGL). This work in being completed to address the audit recommendations to improve the overarching control environment for grade entry at Flinders University, with the additional benefit of achieving process efficiencies for our support teams.
This work is a collaborative effort between SAS and Digital Student and Teaching Services (DSTS).
The project is progressing well, with the completion of the development of a FLO-to-Student Management utility that removes much of the manual processing required to consolidate student grades between the two systems. This utility is currently being tested in HASS and BGL (see example below).
Once the pilot with HASS and BGL is completed, the project team will get in touch with SAS College Managers to arrange a time to work with the remaining areas to trial and test the utility across all areas. Based on initial observations, the utility has potential to significantly streamline the results entry process and to achieve better control over the transfer of grades.
If you have any immediate questions about the project, contact the project team via dststeam@flinders.edu.au