1972 40 Year Reunion Event: change of date
We were delighted with the considerable interest expressed by alumni in attending the 1972 40 year Reunion after the first “save the date” letter was sent out earlier this year. Unfortunately a “glitch” occurred with the mail-out of the invitations some weeks ago, and it is has only now become apparent that significant numbers of the invitees did not receive their invitation. Consequently, and in the interest of all, the reunion will now be held on
Friday 30 November, 6.00pm – 8.00pm in Scholar’s, Flinders One
Detailed information about this will be sent out shortly.
In the meantime, please accept our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Watch the promo video. Watch the 1967 – 1971 Reunion including archival film footage from the University’s earliest days.
Fine canapés and wine will be served, whilst you catch up with old friends and academics present at the University during your student years.
If you have not been back to the campus for a while, this is also an opportunity to see some of the changes – the Plaza, the Library foyer to name but two.
Do you have any photos from your time at Flinders? If you do, you might like to scan them and send them to Geoff Sauer otherwise we can copy them for you. By the way, do we have your email address? If not, please send me an email so I can update the records.
Please put 30 November in your calendar now – the first 40 Year reunion in 2011 was great fun and many of the 1967 – 1971 alumni will be along to this one too!