Flinders Supports the International Women’s Day Breakfast

Flinders University was a Diamond Sponsor for the 2013 International Women’s Day Breakfast in Adelaide held on Friday, 8 March and hosted by Senator, the Hon Penny Wong. MC’d by Sonya Feldhoff from 891 ABC Adelaide, more than 2,400 guests attended and heard guest speaker, best-selling author, journalist and thought-leader Dr Anne Summers AO speak on the subject of “Women and Violence in today’s world.”

Funds raised through the event will go towards assisting UN Women expand its critical services program for women in Papua New Guinea where 67% of women experience violence, and access to services and support remains extremely limited.


Flinders University’s Dean of the School of Medicine, Professor Paul Worley, Deputy Chancellor, Ms Leonie Clyne and Vice-President (Strategy & Planning), Ms Gill Troup with Senator the Hon Penny Wong
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