The Advanced Focus Scholarship for Rural Students in Engineering was established in 2015 and recognises and supports students commencing at Flinders who are enrolled in an undergraduate degree in Engineering. This year the 2016 scholarship was awarded to Reid Honan who has come to Flinders University from Port Augusta.
This annual scholarship provides the successful recipient with $1250 for up to 4 years to provide assistance while they are studying. For Reid this means he can “relax a little”, living far away from home can be difficult at times yet with the help of this scholarship he purchased his textbooks and contributed some of the funds to his accommodation costs. Taking some pressures away assisted Reid to spend more time on focusing on his Engineering studies.
The scholarship has been established through the generous support of Advanced Focus, a leading Australian-owned process solutions specialist that provides consulting, training and engineering services. The company focuses on business systems, processes, facilities and people to deliver sustainable improvements.
Flinders University is very excited to partner with Advanced Focus who are passionate about education and show great community leadership through their support of the next generation of engineers.
Now in its second year the Advanced Focus Scholarship for Rural Students in Engineering is currently seeking applications for students commencing in 2017 and will be closing on 10 March 2017.