Hi all, my name is Clarrie and I have just finished the first term of my first year at Flinders University. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Health Sciences/Master of Occupational Therapy. I graduated from Year 12 last year.
The main difference I have found between high school and university is how much faster university life is! To put it in perspective, the first term of the year was only 6 weeks long, much shorter than the 11 week term of high school. Contact hours on campus have also been shorter, and a whole lot more flexible. I’ve managed to condense my week at uni into only 3 days, giving me Mondays and Fridays to dedicate to study, work and my personal life. This fast pace, however, also means that you have to learn the content of your topics much quicker. The information provided in a 1 hour lecture feels like it would have taken a month to learn in high school, and this means you always need to be switched on and organised right from the start.
My lectures have made me appreciate the size of the student cohort here at Flinders. All my topics have over 200 students enrolled, which often fills up the lecture theatre entirely. You can imagine how loud it gets in there before the lecture formally starts. Aside from lectures though, each of my topics also has practicals, tutorials or workshops. These type of classes are all smaller in size and allows you to work closely with students and academics.
Another difference between high school and university is how much bigger everything is here. The campus is so big that a loop bus is provided just to help students get around and to get to their classes on time. Luckily I had previously attended Flinders Uni Open Days, as well as Orientation Week, which meant that in my first week I already had a good idea of how to get around the campus and where to go for help. O-week was also a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends, so when the first week arrived I already had some familiar faces around me.
The most enjoyable aspect of my first term has been the social opportunities which comes with campus life. Having so many food trucks, coffee shops, and a bar all located on campus has made it really easy to catch up with new friends, as well as old friends who are here. I also love that Flinders University has 24 hour study areas, which I take advantage of if my internet at home isn’t working, or I just need a quiet place to study and be productive.
The lifestyle that comes with Flinders has been a positive change and an exciting time for me. I can’t wait to see what new things I am yet to discover around the campus in the future.