GO ID: GO3228
Close Date: 05-Feb-2020
The Clinical Trials Activity (Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need (RCRDUN)) Initiative (the Initiative) aims to enable or support:
− New opportunities for clinical trial participation and associated benefits from accessing the latest research by members of the Australian community living with a medical condition for which there are limited effective treatment options.
− Attention given to under-researched health priorities and conditions, such as rare cancers and rare diseases.
− Deployment of innovative trial designs and recruitment strategies to provide high-quality evidence of the efficacy of new health treatments, drugs and devices.
− Purposeful health service engagement to improve the translation of research into practice and improve outcomes for patients.
− Implementation of new health treatments, drugs and devices to improve health and wellbeing.
− Reinforcement of Australia’s position as a preferred destination for clinical trials.