COMING SOON: Senior visiting scientist award – International Agency for Research on Cancer

*** This opportunity will be available soon. The next call is expected to open in September 2020. The following information is subject to change. ***

Possible topics include:

  • understanding cancer aetiology, including infections, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, radiation and genetics;
  • developing strategies for cancer prevention, including primary prevention, screening and implementation research;
  • elucidating the underlying mechanisms of carcinogenesis through studies of molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics and molecular pathology.

Particular emphasis is put on biostatistics, bioinformatics and related methodological developments.

Senior investigators who have more than 15 years of postdoctoral experience and have recent publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals may apply.

Funding is worth up to €48,000 pro rata according to length of stay. The cost of travel and health insurance is covered.

Forecast closing date:  30th November 2020

To visit funders website click here

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