Priority-driven collaborative cancer research – standard project grants

Cancer Australia and its Funding Partners are pleased to announce their research priorities for the 2020 round of the PdCCRS.

This funding scheme helps to:

  • fund research in tumour areas that place a high burden of disease on the Australian community;
  • fund cancer research projects that directly relate to the identified priorities of Cancer Australia and/or its Funding Partners; and
  • fund research that can directly improve cancer outcomes by influencing clinical practice, policy and/or care.

Cancer Australia, in collaboration with its funding partners, invites applications for its priority-driven collaborative cancer research – standard project grants. These support research in identified priority areas to help reduce the impact of cancer on the community and improve outcomes for people affected by cancer.

The following funding partner projects are available:

  • Cancer Australia prevention research;
  • Cancer Australia health services research;
  • Cancer Australia general research;
  • Cancer Australia gynaecological cancers research;
  • Cancer Australia lung cancer research;
  • Leukaemia Foundation;
  • National Breast Cancer Foundation;
  • The Kids’ Cancer Project – long term physical effects of cancer treatment and improvement in quality of life for survivors of paediatric malignancy.

Grants are worth between AUD 10,000 and AUD 200,000 per year for one to three years.

Deadline information

Call for applications to the 2020 PdCCRS grant opportunity opened 4 March; applications can be submitted through the NHMRC’s granting system from 4 March for Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants, and 11 March for Ideas Grants;

Minimum application data must be entered into NHMRC’s granting system by 1 April 2020 for Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants, and 8 April 2020 for Ideas Grants;

Applications to the 2020 round of the PdCCRS close on 13 May 2020 at 17:00 AEST.  Corresponding NHMRC applications must be submitted by 17:00 AEST 29 April 2020 for Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants and 17:00 AEST 6 May for Ideas Grants.


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