The DVC(R), through Research Development and Support (RDS) is supporting externally run workshops by The Write Media Network, on how to hone your NHMRC Investigator applications.
Dates: There will be four workshops with each focusing on the four key aspects of these applications – Publications [35%]; Research Impact [20%]; Leadership [15%] and Knowledge [30%].
- Workshop One: Tuesday 17 November – 12pm (today)
- Workshop Two: Monday 23 November – 10am
- Workshop Three: Friday 27 November – 10am
- Workshop Four: Tuesday 8 December – 10am
The workshops are designed for those who already have a good understanding of the application process for Investigators. You will get the most out of these workshops if you come prepared.
They will NOT discuss basic funding rules or eligibility criteria; if you have queries on any aspect of the NHMRC Investigator scheme please contact the RDS Grants and Tenders Team or the RDS – Senior Research Support Officer/s embedded in your College.
Format: Join via the Teams link here.
Recording: The sessions will be recorded. Please email if you would like to be sent the recording.